UT2k4 10th Anniversary CTF Cup
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dude fuckers -vs-
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1CTF-CBP2-Pistola-Lite2 0
1CTF-FP-Anfractuous2-Lite 6
All times in EST.
  Match Recap

SaintSonic @ Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:53 pm
What surprise had Necro team when they saw the lost - and again found- bazza coming back to life after had been missing for 202 days. That is right, he decided to switch on his new pc and install UT just on time for his war vs Necro team.

On pistola, both teams went for a 3 defenders strategy, which left the bases under lock down and yet Dude fuckers managed to score 1. And kept the result until the end. On Anfractuous the caps were more dynamic and Necro managed to take an early lead which preserved until the end. Same happened with Twin Tombs, even though it was perhaps a closer map than the result showed.

An intense 3 mapper, welcome back bazza. Thanks for the matches Dude fuckers!
Moderated By: UT2K4 Euro Admins

2k4 10th Anniversary CTF Cup Features