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Black Man's Bucket
-vs- Schizophrenics Bastards
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|uK|SilverWing @ January 12th 4PM EST/ 9PM GMT
All times in EST.
  Match Recap

Kron @ Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:15 pm
First Map: Clarion (Black Man's Bucket)
Black Man's Bucket - Kron, Rays, SilverWing, GrimReaper, Dewsick
Schizophrenic Bastards - Terminator, Alpha, Freeze, Damic, Scourge

Recap: This map, chosen by the Hookers of the Caribbean, turned out to be a good one for them. Even though it took a good 30 minutes just to start the match, it went pretty smoothly and pretty quickly. With the newly acquired Dewsick, the Buckets shored up their roster on the defensive side. With Alpha showing for the first time this season, it seemed it was going to be a defensive battle between the two teams. But as always, the decider of the match was who could nuke first. The Hooker's got that milestone first, so they won.

Second Map: Hydro (Schizophrenic Bastards)
Black Man's Bucket - Kron, Rays, SilverWing, GrimReaper, Dewsick
Schizophrenic Bastards - Terminator, Alpha (Dropped), Freeze, Damic, Scourge

Recap: This matchup was looking to be a long one as Hydro always is. The plan probably for both teams (atleast my team) was to get as many tele's as possible in the other teams base and keep the pressure up. There was a huge loss for the Bastards when Alpha dropped leaving a big gap in their defense. The Buckets pounced on the opportunity, putting basically 4 offense and slowly dwindling down the core until it was game over. You never know, maybe with Alpha there that doesn't happen, and the game turns out completely different.
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